Momentum indicators employ various formulas to measure price changes. RSI (a momentum indicator) compares the average price change of the advancing periods with the average change of the declining periods. On the IBM chart, RSI advanced from October to the end of November. During this period, the stock advanced from the upper 60s to the low 80s. When the stock traded sideways in the first half of December, RSI dropped rather sharply (blue lines). This consolidation in the stock was quite normal and actually healthy. From these lofty levels (near 70), flat price action would be expected to cause a a decline in RSI (and momentum). If RSI were trading around 50 and the stock began to trade flat, the indicator would not be expected to decline. The green lines on the chart mark a period of sideways trading in the stock and in RSI. RSI started from a relatively median level, around 50. The subsequent flat price action in the stock also produced relatively flat price action in the indicator and it remains around 50.
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